3 December 2013 Transmission Gully PPP Bid Unsuccessful
3 December 2013

We advise that the PIP Fund’s consortium for the Transmission Gully PPP project, “Positive Connection”, was not selected as preferred bidder. The competing bidder “Wellington Gateway Partnership*” has been invited to the next round.
(*The Wellington Gateway Partnership is comprised of firms and investors including Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd, HEB Construction Ltd, InfraRed Infrastructure General Partner Ltd, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd, and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).)
The final PPP contract is to be awarded in mid-2014.
For further information please read the press release here.
Although a disappointing outcome following an intensive submission process, the PIP Fund will now focus on a number of other NZ PPP projects, and some large Australian PPP investment opportunities.
Kim Ellis